Cape Cobra
Cape Cobra is one of the beautiful cobra from it's color and body. Cape Cobra actualy has varies color from location to location, but those the yellow color is from Kalahari and according to me these snakes are the most beautiful.
and it may you also have the same opinion, if we see and observe them, they are actually beautiful and interesting to see, from they body it is like the Queen of snakes and looks have a wisdom, and we can also see the picture 05 this snake is actually like the Queen of Egypt how wonderful the creature of our God.
The cape cobra produces a powerful neurotoxin that affects the respiratory system. Without proper antivenom treatment the mortality rate in humans is 60% and death normally occurs 2–5 hours after being bitten and is usually as a result of respiratory failure because of the onset of paralysis. The snake is quick to strike and becomes aggressive if cornered.