Friday, October 15, 2010

Lora Snake

Lora Snake
Lora SnakeLora Snake eats big toad.

Lora SnakeBrown Lora Snake

Lora SnakeCute Lora Snake comes forward.

Lora SnakeLora Snake is creeping around the rocks

Lora SnakeLora Snake was angry

Lora Snake A Beautiful Green Lora Snake, I think this picture is difficult to get it.

These are some cute and little Snakes that named by Lora Snake. Lora snakes and are generally green colored, They are so Nice to see because of its green color and sometimes they are amongst green plants so that makes it so beautiful. Lora snake is also named with Parrot snake. Lora Snake was found from northern of South America and Trinidad and in Tobago, They also eat Frog , lizard and small birds. I was amazed with them when they eat their prey because they usually can eat thing which size is very big even bigger than their body.
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