Arafura File Snake
Arafura File snake has also named Arafura File snake, Elephant Trunk Snake.
Arafura File snake or Acrochordus arafurae is an aquatic snake species which found in northern area of Australia and also found in New Guinea. No subspecies of this Arafura File snakeare currently recognized.
The Adults of Arafura File Snake can grow to 8.25 ft (2.5 m) in the length. They (Arafura File Snake) have amazingly loose skin and are known to prey on large fish, such as eel-tailed catfish. The Females of this snake are usually larger than it's males and they have been known to give birth to even up to 17 young.
The indigenous peoples of northern Australia usually often hunt these snakes as they are quite common activity. This is amazing would you like to do like them?