European Asp
European Asp has also names asp, asp viper, European asp, aspic viper, and more.
European Asp or Vipera aspis is a venomous viper snake species that is found in southwestern Europe continent. Bites from this European Asp can be more severe than from the European adder species snake, Viperia berus (ommon European adder, or common European viper) not only can they be very painful, but about 4% of all untreated bites are can be fatal.
The specific name, Aspis, is a Greek word that means "viper". Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies.
European Asp average length is 60-65 cm. The length's males of European Asp can reach a maximum of 85 cm, and the females are rarely more than 75 cm. Males of this European Asp snakes, however are a little slimmer than females. It's tail is very short, and one-sixth to one-eighth in males.